2008年12月5日 星期五



講閑話兩則之一:法國漫畫家David B.驚世之作《L'Ascension du Haut Mal》,自傳漫畫一共六集,從1996-2003年先後出版。友人金先生剛剛從日本把2007年出版的「六合一」日本版拱回來,捧在手上褻弄一下,紙口切邊摸上手柔潤足可媲美歐洲書,書厚簿得宜但感覺輕盈。六合一版本早見英文及美文版(2005),英文直譯作「癲癇」未免太直接了些,實物我無緣碰過,不知觸感如何。


對這位羅馬尼亞漫畫家Iulian Fratila所知不多,都是友人介紹看,說是Fratila母親過身之後所畫成,他畫的卻是爆笑漫畫,目的是要幽自己一默。開生離死別的玩笑,這個玩笑不易開,笑顏藏淚印矣。點圖看書封底的「嘟不到的barcode」和「Not printed in China」,可以想像有幾抵死。



Canicola 召集人之一Andrea Bruno的漫畫,一貫的黑白強烈反差效果令人印象難忘,其實原稿是黑色與白色顏料層層疊疊返覆塗畫出來的,但他在印刷時還是要求把畫畫塗塗的過程隱去 了,只印出單色黑。這趟第五期卻多了幾重灰色,其實原稿是共六塊絲網版印成的作品,因為雜誌才力有限只能黑白印刷,讀者只好從黑白中想像灰度,在灰度中想 像彩色,聊以自娛。



"Reading is good for you. I read Cortàzar’s Hopscotch written in 1962. Defined as an 'experimental novel', 'disorder novel', the book suggests, under instructions of the author at least two different ways of reading it: from the start right up to chapter number 56, or to zigzag beginning from chapter number 73. But once you start you go on instinctively following your own interest. The book is divided into three parts: On the other side, On this side, On other sides. In the third part there is a lot of talking about Morelli, a nice presence. Morelli is a writer that has a special idea of Art, consisting most of all in destroying its usual forms, a normal attitude for a good artist. Morelli tries to force reader’s mental habits. For example he hates long and complicated novels. Besides, he cares even less about the connection between parts, and looks for causality between the elements he works with. Morelli asks himself: would he like a story that is not literary at all? Cut out the intolerable sentences, it’s better to have something more rough, more prosaic, something that is just a vehicle for information. Separating what is useful from what is amusing. How to tell a story without using any literary tricks, without winking at the reader? Getting the reader to be an accomplice, by suggesting him, other than the conventional plot, more esoteric ways to interpret the book? Dig into a complicated, inconsistent, anti-narrative text. Cut from the roots every systematic construction of characters and situations. Search for broadmindedness. Reading too much is less good for you."


Andrea Bruno, Marco Corona, Alessandro Tota, Giacomo Monti, Davide Catania, Edo Chieregato / Michelangelo Setola, Amanda Vähämäki, Giacomo Nanni.
平裝‧21.4m x 29cm‧80頁‧黑白‧意大利文附英文翻譯
售價:HK$110 (原價10 euro)
(銅鑼灣恩平道52號2樓A,tel: 2808-0301)